Event Details
Class Title: Introduction to Inkle Loom Weaving
Teacher Name: Kit Snyder
Class Length: 4 hours
Class Fee: $50.00
Class Day/Time: Friday, 8:30AM to 12:30PM
Class Description:
In this class you will learn the basic of inkle weaving and using that information to weave a bookmark or keychain. Student may continue on to a length of their choice, limited only by time.
Looms will be pre-warped and ready for use and the class will cover an overview of how to ready a loom for weaving in addition to various uses for the inkle bands such as clothing trims, purse straps, instrument straps hatbands and the like.
We’ll touch on the history of inkle weaving, other types of weaving possible on an inkle loom and how your imagination can inspire design elements resulting in weaving one of a kind creations.
Registration necessary, class size limited 10
Supplies Needed: Students will need to bring:
Materials Fee: (payable to teacher) $25.00 covers use of loom, yarn/string, heddles and handouts. The looms provided are available for sale, and range in cost from $60 to $110, dependent on model.
Homework: None
A 4.00 electronic administrative fee will be added for all online registration transactions.
An Admission ticket must be purchased to attend all classes
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