Event Details
Class Title: Stranded Colorwork Knitting – Deep Dive
Teacher Name: Varian Brandon
Class Length: 3 hours
Class Fee: $60.00
Class Day/Time: Saturday, 2:00PM to 5:00PM
Class Description:
The class is designed for the knitter who has found the joys of stranded colorwork stranded knitting, but after working stranded and Fair Isle patterns, still have some questions.
How long do you leave the tails? Is here a way around weaving in all of those ends? Can I untangle the evertwisting yarns? What is yarn dominance? How do I get rid of long floats in he back?
This class will answer these questions and more using a discussion format that covers over 20 topics related to stranded colorwork knitting. Student should bring yarn and needles to help further explore of he solutions to these deep dive questions.
Level: INTERMEDIATE basic knitting plus increase/decrease and following basic patterns
Registration necessary, class size limited to 15
Supplies Needed:
- 2 color…one light, one dark of worsted of DK weight yarn..solid color, no novelty yarn
- 2-24″ circular needles OR 1-32″ circular needle OR 1-16″ circular needle OR 1 set double pointed needles in appropriate size for yarn selected
These materials will be used to work on various techniques that come up on our class discussions
Materials Fee: S0
Homework: None
A 4.00 electronic administrative fee will be added for all online registration transactions.
An Admission ticket must be purchased to attend all classes
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