The early bird catches the Knittreat benefits

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Festival Update


The early bird catches the Knittreat benefits

Westlake Shawl
Psyche Cupid yarn

I had a sweet Mother’s Day with my Mother, my Mother-in-law, and of course my daughter. I can’t believe that May is almost over! This weekend, my family and I plan to start summer with a bang, literally… we’re attending PyroFest, billed as “America’s Largest Fireworks Festival” right here in Pittsburgh.

I am pleased to announce that Early Bird Registration is open for the Omni Bedford Springs Knittreat, which is set for Nov. 7, 8, 9 and 10. This year, an early-bird deposit payment of $159 can be made by June 30… A SAVINGS OF $70! See more details at The balance for lodging and meals does not need to be made until Oct. 8 to the host hotel, the Omni Bedford Springs.

We’ve been hard at work planning the details of this event. Holiday Yarns Dye Studio and SpaceCadet Creations are providing the yarn for the Westlake Shawl that Kathy Zimmerman will be teaching (pictured at top right). Holiday’s Jennifer VanCalCar has sent “Psyche & Cupid” from her Greek Myth Lace Club (pictured at bottom right), and I can’t wait to see what Stephanie Alford from SpaceCadet will send for the shawl.

Kraemer Yarns is graciously providing yarn for the Slip Stitch Sampler Pillow that Eleanor Swogger is teaching.

At press time, additional supporters include Elaine’s Wearable Art Boutique and AslanTrends.

Last but not least, stay tuned for details on how you can purchase our new product line, first introduced at the Festival in March! There are T-shirts, car stickers and more. Photos and an order form link will appear in our next issue, in just two weeks!

With Warm Regards,

Barbara Grossman

Barb’s mini book review AND Knittreat Sweepstakes prize:

Knitting Scandinavian Slippers and Socks, by Laura Farson

For all of you sock lovers, we are not only featuring a fun sock class at the Bedford Springs Knittreat with our own Marge Connelly, we have a book to give away to an Early Bird registrant! Discover beautiful knitting patterns that incorporate both twined and stranded knitting for slippers and socks for men and women. The book simplifies twined knitting, shows various cast-on methods for a better fit, and features a mix of traditional Scandinavian designs and modern variations. 

From a basic design to a more intricate pattern, there is sure to be a sock or slipper in this book for someone in your life. An added bonus is the instruction for a felted insole (mine always wear out quickly). 

Everyone who completes an Early Bird registration for Knittreat by June 30 will be automatically entered into a random drawing for the book. The winner will be announced in our July issue.

Congrats to our Sweepstakes winners

The random drawing winner of Sheryl Thies’ Nature’s Wrapture: Contemporary Knitted Shawls book is Claudia Dettlinger of Pittsburgh. The winner of Crochet
One-Skein Wonders: 101 Projects from Crocheters around the World,
edited by Judith Durant and Edie Eckman, is
Lois Kretchun, West Newton, PA. Congratulations to them both!

We know you’re anxious for the next Festival Update sweepstakes prize announcement, but it will have to wait just a wee bit closer to Father’s Day… we have something special just for Dads!

Online Crochet Class

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Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet

P.O. Box 7706, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 / (412) 963-7030

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