Sneak Peak at Teachers Line Up

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Festival Update


We are pleased to announce the addition of Lisa H. Calle to the headliner line up. Lisa has a background in Textile Management and Marketing, but found her true love and her creative niche in the “other” side of textiles. An award winning quilt designer, producing DVD’s and the Quilter’s Groove line of templates, Lisa will share her knowledge and expertise with 5 creative classes. You can visit Lisa’s website here and view her full bio on the Teacher Page of the Festival Website.

See the full line up of ALL TEACHERS offering classes in Knitting, Crochet, Sewing, Quilting, Fiber, Papercraft and Creative Classes here.

We will feature over 100 classes with all of these artistic and knowledgeable teachers. Classes and registration to open later this month….stay tuned!

With warm regards,

Barb and Ann

Book Review and Giveaway:

The Spinner’s Book of Fleece

A Breed-by-Breed Guide to Choosing and Spinning the PERFECT FIBER for EVERY PURPOSE by Beth Smith

A book suited not just for spinners, but anyone interested in and working with wool and fibers. Many years ago, the choices were very limited when it came to deciding which fleeces were going to be spun into yarn. It was marked “wool” with no details given about the breed of sheep from which it came. Today, the variety of options for spinners has vastly expanded – from processed to unprocessed fiber, which breed’s wool, fiber length or coat type. The choices can be overwhelming and having the right knowledge can make this task much easier to understand. In this book, Beth shares her wealth of knowledge and helps readers evaluate raw fleece and prepare it to be spun according to breed characteristics. This “sheep by sheep” guide provides profiles of 19 breeds and describes different spinning methods that produce yarns suitable for a wide range of projects – from lacy shawls to sturdy outerwear.

You’ll have an opportunity to learn more about various wools and fibers during the Festival with this year’s featured activity: The Magical Mystery Spin. Offered at booth numbers 92-93 and sponsored by our long time friends Louet, NA, the Magical Mystery Spin will invite you to bring an old skein of yarn from your stash and sit and spin to create your own “Signature Yarn” with the fibers provided by Louet. StevenBe will be on hand to lend his expertise and inspire you with fiber suggestions to integrate into the yarn you bring to create a one of a kind sensation. Louet and StevenBe will be offering prizes at the PJ Party for some of the best, most creative and innovative skeins. This book will give you some advance knowledge of the various fibers that Dave Van Stralen from Louet will have on hand to test and try.

To Enter the giveaway for The Spinner’s Book of Fleece please email: with the title “Spinner’s Book of Fleece” by November 18th, 2015

Congratulations to last month’s Sweepstakes Giveaway Winner:

The Knitting Fabric Rugs Book Giveaway was won by Susan Padezanin of East Liverpool, OH.

Festival Update is published by
Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet and Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival
P.O. Box 7706, Pittsburgh, PA 15215
We do not share our mailing list with any third party.
Copyright 2015 Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without written permission.


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