Beads, Papers, Fibers, Fabrics, Threads and more!


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Aug. 22-23, 2014 | Four Points Sheraton North


Beads, Papers, Fibers, Fabrics, Threads and more!

Additional prizes and donations keep coming in for the first-ever Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival, which takes place in just two weeks! We will have goody bags for the first 150 attendees and many prizes available during the Friday evening reception, as we mentioned in last week’s newsletter. But we’ve also added bonuses for students who take the following classes:

Be sure to register for the classes, many will close by Friday, Aug. 15th.

Remember, the TechShop of Pittsburgh will be onsite during the Festival, and will be holding demos along with a display of some members’ handmade items. We are excited to have them have join and support us.

In addition, they are donating a 1-Year Membership for one lucky Grand Prize Winner, to be drawn at the end of the day on Saturday at the Festival. This membership is valued at $1,395, and gives the recipient unlimited access to the TechShop facilities. The winner can use the advanced machines and tools, sophisticated design workstations and software, network with other members, work on their own projects, and learn new skills.

With Warm Regards,

Barb Grossman and Ann Szilagyi, Co-Founders

Creative Arts Festival Update is published by Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival, P.O. Box 37, Kingwood, WV 26537 / (412) 963-7030. We do not share our mailing list with any third party.

©2014 Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without written permission.



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